Some of the charges on credit cards are late fees, interest rates, and just overall charges of the credit card.
How to apply for credit card- it depends on what kind of credit card you want to apply for, but you mainly just go to a store and tell them you want to apply for a credit card. After you fill out the application they will tell you how much spending money you have.
Pros of a credit card- you have an earlier consumption, it is very convenient, there always there for emergencies, you can establish good credit history.
Cons of a credit card- the cost goes up if the unpaid balance is not paid monthly, ties up future income, it is very tempting to overspend, it reduces comparison shopping if you only shop in stores extending credit, and it decreases future buying power.
Tip- 1. Be responsible with buying
2. Pay the monthly bills
3. Use mainly for emergencies
This is an article about credit cards
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